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Dear German Viessmann Chinese consumers:



Viessmann Heating Technology Beijing Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “our company”) is the only subsidiary of the German Viessmann Group in China, which is fully responsible for the import, distribution and after-sales service of German wall-hung gas heating water heaters (hereinafter referred to as wall-hung boilers) in China. Recently, our company has found a number of low-priced Viessmann wall-hung boilers in the Chinese market, which are not authorized by our company to import and distribute. After verification by our company, the product belongs to individual merchants using unconventional channels to import and sell the wall-hung boilers produced by the Viessmann Turkey factory to China. The nameplate of the wall-hung boiler clearly identifies the place where the boilers should be sold and used is Turkey.


In order to protect the interests of consumers, our company hereby reminds consumers that the wall-hung boilers are products related to electrical safety and gas safety. The boiler products designed and produced for specific markets must meet the requirements of the use environment (such as gas Source and power supply), otherwise the stability, safety and durability of the product operation may not be effectively guaranteed, and may even lead to safety risks.

      一、 锅炉生产标准:经正规渠道进口及销售的菲斯曼壁挂炉产品在满足欧盟标准的同时满足中国国标GB25034(在锅炉铭牌上有体现)。菲斯曼土耳其工厂产品遵循欧盟制造标准的产品,主要针对土耳其和东欧等市场,可能存在与中国标准不相符的情况。在中国销售该产品违反国家相关规定,工商、燃气管理部门等已经对部分商户进行了处罚。

Boiler production standards: The Viessmann wall-hung boiler products imported and sold through regular channels meet the Chinese national standard GB25034 (reflected on the boiler nameplate) while meeting EU standards. The products of the Viessmann Turkey factory comply with EU manufacturing standards, mainly for markets such as Turkey and Eastern Europe, and may not be in line with Chinese standards. The sale of this product in China violates relevant state regulations, and the industrial and commercial and gas management departments have already imposed penalties on some merchants.

       二、 气源适配性:土耳其工厂生产的壁挂炉适用欧盟的天然气标准,而德国生产出口至中国的壁挂炉产品的设计制造严格遵循中国燃气标准12T(在铭牌上有明确体现)。由于适用天然气成分不同及适用标准不同,若在中国使用土耳其工厂生产的壁挂炉,有可能存在一定的燃气安全隐患。

The gas source adaptability: the boilers produced in the Turkey factory are applicable to the European Union's natural gas standards, and the design and manufacture of the German-made wall-hung boilers exported to China strictly follows the Chinese gas standard 12T (which is clearly reflected on the nameplate). Due to the different natural gas composition and applicable standards, if a wall-hung boiler produced in Turkey factory is used in China, there may be certain gas safety hazards.

      三、 电源适配性:所有经我司授权进口和经销的菲斯曼壁挂炉均自带符合中国大陆标准的原装电源线和插头(三相220V);而土耳其生产的菲斯曼壁挂炉电源插座为两相230V,若通过私自改线或临时搭接则有可能存在电源安全隐患,存在漏电、烧毁贵重电子元件的风险,严重的甚至会引起火灾。

The power adapter: all the Viessman wall-hung boilers authorized by our company to import and distribute are equipped with the original power cord and plug (three-phase 220V) in line with the Chinese mainland standard; and the Viessmann wall-hung boiler power supply produced in Turkey is 230V for two phases. If it is changed by private or temporary connection, there may be power supply safety hazards, and there is a risk of leakage and burning of valuable electronic components, and even serious fire may occur.

      四、 中国权威检测机构测试和认证:所有经我司或正规授权进口和经销的菲斯曼壁挂炉都具备完整齐全的权威检测报告。

Testing and certification of China's authoritative testing institutions: All Viessman wall-hung boilers imported and distributed by our company or officially authorized have complete authoritative testing reports.

      五、 售后服务保障:所有经我司授权进口和经销的壁挂炉的售后人员均由我司提供专业的技术售后培训,并由我司正规授权服务商提供质保和售后服务;非我司授权进口和经销的壁挂炉产品因为可能存在伪造标识,篡改部件和资料等情况,我司无法承担质保和售后责任。

After-sales service guarantee: All the after-sales personnel of the wall-hung boilers authorized by our company to import and distribute are provided with professional technical after-sales training by our company, and the warranty service and after-sales service are provided by our regular authorized service providers; Because of the possible existence of forged logos, tampering with parts and materials, we are unable to assume the warranty and after-sales responsibility of unauthorised imported and distributed
wall-hung boiler products.


       特此公告!敬请广大消费者不要购买或使用此类产品,认清所谓的“平行进口”等虚假宣传,自2017年起,凡是为中国设计生产的壁挂炉全部带有全息防伪标识(注明有:德国制造/德国设计)。欢迎您与我们共同分辨,抵制个别商家的不轨行为,菲斯曼热线 4006508850、天猫、京东等官方渠道愿意随时接受您的质询。我们对选购过程中造成的困扰深表歉意,竭诚为您提供优质的产品和服务。我公司正在积极准备采取包括法律手段在内的各种措施来制止此类产品的非法流通。

Consumers are advised not to buy or use such products, and to recognize the so-called "parallel import" and other false propaganda. Since 2017, all the wall-hung boilers designed and produced for China have holographic anti-counterfeiting labels (note: Germany Manufacturing / German design). You are welcome to distinguish with us and resist the misconduct of individual merchants. The official channels such as the Viessmann Hotline 4006508850, Tmall, JD are willing to accept your inquiry at any time. We apologize for the troubles caused by the purchase process and we will provide you with the best quality products and services. Our company is actively preparing for various measures including legal means to stop the illegal circulation of such products.



                                                                                                                Viessmann Heating Technology Beijing Co., Ltd.





菲斯曼中国菲斯曼集团于 1997 年进入中国市场。2001 年作为德国菲斯曼集团在华子公司的北京菲斯曼供热技术有限公司在北京正式成立。2009 年菲斯曼在河北大厂建立生产工厂。今天,菲斯曼在中国已经拥有约 260 名员工及 6 处代表机构。...


